Santi Santiago Thió Fernández de Henestrosa
Universitat de Girona  (University of Girona)

Departament d'Informàtica i Matemàtica Aplicada (Dept. of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics)
Campus Montilivi, 17071 GIRONA - SPAIN

Tel. (+34) 972-418841 - Fax. (+34) 972-418792 


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Data Package



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Compositional Data Package

2011/April/28: VERY IMPORTANT: As we have moved CoDaPack3D to an environment free of Excel, we no longer will maintain CoDaPack3D. The new version runs under Windows, Mac and Linux operating systems and is available on this link (click on the operating system you use):

Over the last years, a new methodological approach has been developed for the statistical analysis of compositional data, following the approach introduced in the early eighties by John
Aitchison. This methodology is not straightforward to use with standard statistical packages. For this reason we have developed a new freeware software, The Compositional Data Package, which implements at this moment the most elementary of mentioned statistical methods.

This software is oriented to users coming from the applied sciences, with no extensive background in using various computer packages. For this reason it is based on Excel. To use it, one has to access Excel and introduce the data in a standard spreadsheet. Then, using menus, one can execute macros that return the numerical results on the same sheet and the graphical outputs appear in independent windows inside Excel.

The features of this new software are very wide: 1) Transformations between the real space to the simplex or viceversa such as the alr, clr and ilr transformations. 2) Operations inside
the simplex like centering, perturbation, power transformation, amalgamation, subcomposition (closure) or rounded zero replacement. 3) 2-D and 3D graphical outputs like ternary diagrams, alr
plots, clr plots, biplots, plots of principal components, as well as additive logistic normal predictive regions and confidence regions in the ternary diagram. 4) Compositional Descriptive Statistics. 5) Logistic Normality Test.

To get this software pick up this link CoDaPack3D decompress and execute the file Setup.exe.

Current version of CoDaPack 3D and description of features:






New graphical output (2D and 3D) with zoom and rotation
New menus
New Help
Adapted to Excel 2007
Multiple selection of parts inside menus



Adapted to Windows Update “Rollup for ActiveX Kill bits (KB960715)” of 2009, february 10th.



Fixed a bug in Balances-Dendrograms routines



Fixed a bug that enables to use CoDaPack 3D in all PC 



Fixed two bugs 1) enables multiple selection in Raw-ALR-Raw and Raw-CLR-Raw
                           2) correct order on labels of Balances-Dendrogram 2D



Fixed a bug in Balances-Dendrograms with groups



Fixed a bug in Rounded Zero Replacement menu



New numerical output in Biplot routine
On routines Summary and Variation Array, Clr variance and Total variance are calculated with denominator "n" instead of "n-1" of previous versions



Fixed a bug in Ternary Diagram 3D routine




2009/Sep/25: When you run for first time CoDaPack 3D, some times appears a Compilation error. In this case delete manually the files of the folder: 
%USERPROFILE%\Application Data\Microsoft\Forms\
Usually, on windows XP, this folder is on:
C:\Documents and Settings\your username\Application Data\Microsoft\Forms\
Usually, on windows VISTA, this folder is on:
C:\Users\your username\Application Data\Microsoft\Forms\
IMPORTANT: By default, on VISTA, folder “Users” is hidden, you should manage to see it.

2009/Feb/20: VERY IMPORTANT: On february 10 Microsoft has sent a: "Security update for Windows XP (KB960715)" that is not compatible with CoDaPack and CoDaPack 3D. Also a similar one for VISTA Operating System has sent.
If your CoDaPack or CoDaPack 3D has been installed before this update you should perform a workaround that consists on two steps.
Instructions of the steps and files needed to perform this workaround are included at this link Workaround CoDaPack 3D.

Please, if you detect some bug or if you think in new features send me and e-mail to:

Also, if you want to receive information on new versions of CoDaPack join the mailing list sending me and e-mail to the previous address:

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Estadística i Simulació discreta (Statistics and Discrete Event Simulation)
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Recerca i Publicacions (Research and Publications)

Anàlisi Estadística de dades composicionals (Compositional Data Statistical Analysis).

Anàlisis Factorials Descriptives Multivariants. Anàlisis condicionals (Multivariate Descriptive Factorial Analysis. Conditional Analysis).

Tractament d'Enquestes. Fusió de dades d'enquesta. (Survey Analysis. Survey Data Fussion) . 

  • Thió-Henestrosa, S., Egozcue, J.J., Pawlowsky-Glahn, V., Ó.Kovács, L., and Kovács, G. P.: Balance-dendrogram. A new routine of CoDaPack. Computers & Geosciences. 34(12) pp. 1682-1696. 2008.

  • Thió-Henestrosa, S., Martín-Fernández, J.A.: Dealing with compositional data: the freeware CoDaPack. Mathematical Geology. 37(7) pp. 773-793. 2005.

  • Daunis-Estadella, J.; Aluja-Banet, T.; Thió-Henestrosa, S.: Distribution of the inter and intra inertia in conditional MCA. Computational Statistics. 20(3). pp. 449-463. 2005.
  • Thió-Henestrosa, S., Liu, YL: CoDaPack – An Excel and Visual Basic based software for compositional data analysis.  Research Quarterly For Exercise And Sport. 75(1) pp. 126-127. 2004.

  • Daunis-Estadella, J.; Aluja-Banet, T.; Thió-Henestrosa, S.: Anàlisi de matrius quadrades no simètriques: un enfoc integral usant anàlisi de correspondències. Qüestiió. Volumen: 26, 3 pp. 483-50. 2002.

  • Aluja-Banet, T; Thió-Henestrosa, S.: Survey Data Fusion. Bulletin de Methodologie Sociologique, vol: 72   pp. 20-36. 2001.

  • Nonell Torrent, R.; Thió-Henestrosa, S.; Aluja-Banet, T.: Some alternatives for conditional principal component analysis. Applied stochastic models in business and industry , vol: 16(2)   pp. 147-158. Ed  Wiley. New York. 2000.

  • Borrell, C.; Plasència, S.; Thió, S.; Martí-Recober, M.: Vigilancia epidemiológica de la mortalidad a partir de los entierros. Gaceta sanitaria n. 22 vol. 5   pp. 6-16. 1991.



 Actes de congressos o workshops (Congress Proceedings and Workshops)

  • <>Rodrigues, L.; Daunis-i-Estadella, J.; Mateu-Figueras, G.; Thió-Henestrosa, S. (2008): Vertebrates limb geometry in the simplex space - sauropodomorphs appendicular skeleton analysis.
    Society of Vertebrate Paleontology 68th Annual Meeting
      . Cleveland, OH - USA<>.
  • Soler, J.; García, R.; Marzo, J.L.; Suy, J.; Thió, S. (2008): Pràctiques en empreses en els estudis d'informàtica: dels convenis de cooperació educativa a les estades en entorns laborals. UNIVEST 2008. Girona.
  • Thió-Henestrosa, S.; Gómez, O.; Cepero, R. (2008): CODAPACK 3D. A new version of Compositional Data Package. 3rd Compositional Data Analysis Workshop (CoDaWork’08). Girona.
  • Grunsky, E.C.; Kjarsgaard, B.A.; Egozcue, J.J.; Pawlowlsky-Glahn, V.; Thio-Henestrosa, S. (2008): Studies in Stoichiometry with Compositional Data. 3rd Compositional Data Analysis Workshop (CoDaWork’08). Girona.
  • Azevedo, L.; Dauins-i-Estadella, J.; Mateu-Figueras, G.; Thió-Henestrosa, S. (2008): Vertebrates Limb Geometry in the Simplex space. 3rd Compositional Data Analysis Workshop (CoDaWork’08). Girona.
  • Daunis-i-Estadella, J.; Poch García, J.;  Thió-Henestrosa, S.; Prados Carrasco, F. (2006): Entorno virtual de soporte a la docencia en Estadística. XXIX Congreso Nacional de Estadística e Investigación Operativa. Tenerife.

  • Thió-Henestrosa, S.; Tolosana-Delgado, R.; Gómez, O. (2005): New features of CoDaPack. An userfriendly compositional data analysis package. 2nd Compositional Data Analysis Workshop (CoDaWork’05). Girona .

  • Kolb C., Martín-Fernández, J.A.; Abart, R.; Lammer, H.; Thió Fernández de Henestrosa, S.; Pawlowsky-Glahn, V. (2005): The chemical variability at the surface of Mars: implications for exogenic processes. 2nd Compositional Data Analysis Workshop (CoDaWork’05). Girona .

  • Thió-Henestrosa, S.; Tolosana-Delgado, R.; Gómez, O. (2005): New features of CoDaPack. A compositional data package. IAMG’05. Toronto (Canada).

  • Kolb C., R. Abart, H. Lammer, J.A. Martín-Fernández, V. Pawlowsky-Glahn, S. Thió Fernández de Henestrosa. (2005): The chemical variability at the surface of Mars: statistical analysis on lander data. 1st Mars Express Science conference, European Space Research and Technology Centre. Noordwijk , Netherlands.

  • Daunis-i-Estadella, J., Tolosana-Delgado, R., Martín-Fernández, J. A., and Thió-Henestrosa, S. (2004): Estrategias de análisis de datos composicionales mediante técnicas biplot y representaciones ternarias. XXVIII Congreso Nacional de Estadística e Investigación Operativa. Cádiz. Espanya.

  •  Thió-Henestrosa, S. and Liu, S. (2004): CoDaPack. An Excel and Visual Basic Based Software for Compositopnal Data Analysis. AAHPERD 2004. New Orleans.

  •  Daunis-i-Estadella, J., Aluja-Banet, T., Thió-Henestrosa, S. (2003): Finding significant partitions in multiple correspondence analysis. International Conference on Correspondence Analysis and Related Methods-Carme. Barcelona (spain).

  •  Thió-Henestrosa, S.; Barceló Vidal, C.; Martín Fernández, J. A.; Pawlowsky Glahn, V. (2003): CoDaPack. An Excel and VisualBasic based software of compositional data analysis. Current version and discussion for upcoming versions. Compositional Data Analysis Workshop (CoDaWork’03). Girona (spain).

  •  TOLOSANA-DELGADO, R.; PALOMERA-ROMAN, R.; GIMENO-TORRENTE, D.; PAWLOWSKY-GLAHN, V.; THIÓ-HENESTROSA, S. (2002): A First Approach to Classification of Basalts Using Trace Elements. 8th annual conference of the international association for mathematical geology. Berlín (Alemania).

  •  Aluja-Banet, T.; Thió-Henestrosa, S. (2000): Survey data fusion. Cologne conference on Social Science Methodology in the new Millennium. Colonia (Alemania).

  •  Daunis-Estadella, J.; Aluja-Banet, T.; Thió-Henestrosa, S. (2000): Análisis de la movilidad obligada por el trabajo entre las 41 comarcas catalanas. XXV Congreso Nacional de Estadística e Investigación Operativa.Vigo - Espanya.

  •  Thió-Henestrosa, S.; Aluja-Banet, T.; Daunis-Estadella, J. (1997):  Local principal component analysis on an evaluated graph. NGUS’97 IV International Meeting Of Multidimensional Data Analysis. Bilbao - Espanya.

  •  Daunis-Estadella, J.; Aluja-Banet, T.; Thió-Henestrosa, S. (1997): Reconstitución de datos influyentes en análisis de correspondencias. NGUS’97 IV International Meeting Of Multidimensional Data Analysis. Bilbao - Espanya.

  •  Thió-Henestrosa, S.; Aluja-Banet, T.; Daunis-Estadella, J. (1997): Analyse en composantes principales locale sur un graphe valué. XXIX Journées de statistique ASU-SSF  Carcassone - França.

  •  Daunis-Estadella, J.; Aluja-Banet, T.; Thió-Henestrosa, S. (1997): Analyse de correspondances de matrices carrées non-symétriques. XXIX Journées de statistique ASU-SSF  Carcassone - França.

  •  Thió-Henestrosa, S.; Aluja-Banet, T.  (1996): Local descriptive factorial analysis upon an evaluated graph. Compstat 1996. Barcelona - Espanya.

  •  Thió-Henestrosa, S.  (1994): Análisis en componentes principales local. Una implementación. XXI Congreso Nacional de Estadística e Investigación Operativa. Calella - Espanya.

  •  Borrell, C.; Plasència, S.; Thió, S.; Martí-Recober, M. (1989):  A computerized application for weekly mortality surveillance. Medinfo. Pekín - Xina.  

  • Mateu-Figueras, G.; Daunis-i-Estadella, J.; Thió-Henestrosa, S.: Adaptació a l’EEES de l’assignatura d’estadística. In: Experiències docents d'adaptació a l'EEES. Universitat de Girona. 2008.

  • Martín-Fernández, J.A., Thió-Henestrosa, S.: Rounded zeros: some practical aspects for compositional data. In: Compositional Data Analysis: from theory to practice.  Buccianti, A., Mateu-Figueras, G., and Pawlowsky-Glahn, V. (eds.), The Geological Society. Vol 264. pp. 191-201. 2006.

  • Thió-Henestrosa, S., Martín-Fernández, J.A.: Detailed guide of CoDaPack: a freeware compositional software. In: Compositional Data Analysis: from theory to practice.  Buccianti, A., Mateu-Figueras, G., and Pawlowsky-Glahn, V. (eds.), The Geological Society. Vol 264. pp. 101-118. 2006.

  • Thió-Henestrosa, S.; Martín Fernández, J. A. (Ed.) Compositional Data Analysis Workshop (CoDaWork’03) (2003). ISBN 84-8458-111-X. CD-Rom.

  • BARCELÓ-VIDAL; C. DAUNIS-i-ESTADELLA, J.; MARTÍN-FERNÁNDEZ, J.A..; MARTÍN VERDEJO, F.; MATEU-FIGUERAS, G.;  THIÓ-HENESTROSA, S.  (2003): Anàlisi L’Estadística i le Tecnologies de la Informació i la Comunicació (ESTIC). pp. 81-86. Universitat de Girona: Institut de Ciències de l’Educació Joseph Pallach.

  • THIÓ-HENESTROSA, S.; BARCELÓ-VIDAL, S.; MARTÍN-FERNÁNDEZ, J.A.; PAWLOWSKY-GLAHN, V. (2002): CoDaPack. A Userfriendly freeware. Vol I. pp. 429-434. Terra Nostra. Berlín.

  • TOLOSANA-DELGADO, R.; PALOMERA-ROMAN, R.; GIMENO-TORRENTE, D.; PAWLOWSKY-GLAHN, V.; THIÓ-HENESTROSA, S. (2002): A First Approach to Classification of Basalts Using Trace Elements. Vol I. pp. 435-440. Terra Nostra. Berlín.

  • ALUJA-BANET, T.; THIÓ-HENESTROSA, S.(2001): Évaluation de campagnes publicitaires par fusion de fichiers. pp. 83-98. Presses Universitaires de Grenoble

  • Aluja-Banet, T.; Thió-Henestrosa, S. (2001) Survey Data Fusion. Traitements des fichiers d’enquêtes. Ed PUG (França), ISBN 2-7061-1029-5.

  • Thió-Henestrosa, S.; Aluja-Banet, T.; Daunis-Estadella, J. (1998) Local principal component analysis on an evaluated graph.  Analyses Multidimensionelles Des Données Ed. Cisia-Ceresta (França), ISBN: 2-906711-43-8   pp. 253-265.

  • Daunis-Estadella, J.; Aluja-Banet, T.; Thió-Henestrosa, S. (1998) Reconstitución de datos influyentes en análisis de correspondencias.Analyses Multidimensionelles Des Données Ed. Cisia-Ceresta (França), ISBN: 2-906711-43-8   pp. 113-125.

  • Español, J.; Barceló, C.; Martí, J.; Osorio, M.; Thió, S.; Castañer, F.; Fforest, J.; García, R.; Salvi, J. (1998) Microcalcification evaluation based on shape parameters. Digital Mammography Ed.: N. Karssemeijer, M. Thijssen, J. Hendriks, L. Van Erning (Eds). Kluwe Academic Publishers, Dordrecht – Holanda. pp. 477-478.

  • Thió-Henestrosa, S., Daunis-Estadella, J.: Inserció I Formació a la UdG. Estudi sobre la 2ª enquesta d’inserció laboral dels graduats universitaris (AQU Catalunya, 2005). Documenta Universitaria. pp. 123. 2006.


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