Introductory course to statistical analysis of compositional data
October 18, 2005


To provide an introduction to theoretical and practical aspects of statistical analysis of compositional data

From a variety of practical compositonal problems this course will set out the important theoretical principles of statistical analysis of compositional data. Within this framework a wide-ranging methodology, with particular emphasis on interpretation will be developed. Different case studies will be presented and analyzed using CoDaPack, a freeware software based on EXCEL. This software is oriented to users coming from the applied sciences. No extensive background in using computer packages is required.

  • Dr. C. Barceló-Vidal
  • Dr. S. Thió-Henestrosa
  • Dr. J.A. Martín-Fernández
Language of the course: English
Schedule: 10h-13h + luch time+ 15h-18h

There are limited places on the course and participants to the workshop will have preference to attend the course.